In my research I have found several mentions and articles regarding family members, from mere remarks up to effective papers and volumes of their authorship.
First of all it is mandatory to clarify the meaning of the family name "Ejchel" who is the polish word for "chestnut of the oak" and an acronym formed by three Hebrew letters - Aleph (Ochel) = eat, Shin (Shtiá) = drink and Lamed (Liná) = sleep - the obligations for the Jewish to relieve the pilgrims.
By the same way that our genealogy goes back many centuries, the habit of write has permeated the family member as will be referred herein.
The ancient reference of a written work identified from an Ejchel familiar dates back circa 1736 - authored by Abraham Ejchel an Orthodox Jewish Scholar in the book named "Novum Testamentum et Talmude ex antiquitatibus Hebraeorum Ilustratum", with a rare copy archived at Princeton University Library (reg. 3201-045375639).
In chronological order I have identified the following references to writings related to the family:
In chronological order I have identified the following references to writings related to the family:
A) Still within at the 18th Century:
1755, where Ein Ejchel is mentioned in a dictionary "Dictionarium adjectae sunt Latinis dictionibus, Hebrea, Graca, Volume 1" - 1757 - "The Statutes at Large/P. Ejchel".
B) 19th Century:
1802 - "John Hunter's Bemerkungen über die thierische Öko/J. Ejchel" - 1809 - "Scholia In Vetus Testamentum: Salomonis regis, Volume 9, Edition 1/Gottlieb Ejchel" - 1822 - Biblioteka Warszawska - Volume 2 - Page 272 - M. Ejchel -1859 - "Zeitschrift für deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde - P. R. Ejchel"
- 1879 - "Globus - Volume 36 - Página 135/O. P. Ejchel".
- 1879 - "Globus - Volume 36 - Página 135/O. P. Ejchel".
C) 20th Century:
1908 - "Jüdische Sprichwörter und Redensarten - O. P. Ejchel" - 1915 - Warsaw Chronicles/ Samuel Ejchel (1) - 1916 - "The Journal of Roman Studies - Volume 6/J. Ejchel" - 1936 to 1944 - "Central Agency News - Leslie Ejchel" - various - 1939 to 1945 - Warsaw Ghetto Memoir. Reminiscences of Mietek Ejchel - 1965 - "Simpósio sôbre a Oceanografia do Atlântico Sul Occidental/Frida Ejchel" - 1966 - "Pesquisa Database - Frida Ejchel" - 1967 - "Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service - Frida Ejchel" - 1970 - "Fishery Bulletin - Página 130/Frida Ejchel" - 1970 -"Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service/Frida Ejchel" - 1973 - "A Construção São Paulo/Luiz Ejchel - 1997 - "Lyengar's The Copyright Act, 1957/Martin Ejchel" - 1981 - "Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico/Frida Ejchel" - 1983 -"Democracia participativa: O grande banco de idéias/Luiz Ejchel" and "Urban Transportation Abstracts/L.Ejchel" - 1984 - Criando em Linguagem de Máquina - Serviços Bibliográficos da Livraria Portugal/Samuel Ejchel (2) - 1985 - "Cadernos de jornalismo e editoração/Beatriz Ejchel" and "Criando em Linguagem de Máquina - Jogos em Linguagem de Máquina/Samuel Ejchel (2)" - 1986 - "Opuscula musealia - Volumes 1-2 - Página 31/ S.G. Ejchel" - 1990 - "Paulicéia Prometida/Beatriz Ejchel" - 1991 - "Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports/P.H.Ejchel" - 1993 - "A Questão ambiental urbana: cidade de São Paulo/Luiz Ejchel" - 1994 - "The use of natural gas in buses to prevent urban pollution, Luiz Ejchel" - 1996 - "RBEnt - Página 786/Flávia Ejchel" - 1997 - "Identification of Areas of Richness and Endemism of Heliconiini and Ithomiinae Butterflies Using a GIS-based Approach/Flavia Ejchel".
D) 21st Century:
2003 - "Chagas Disease - Parte 1/Tatiana F. Ejchel" - 2006 - "Kasinsky: um gênio movido a paixão/Samuel Ejchel (2)" - 2006 - O Que Todo Médico Deve Saber Sobre Impostos/Fabio Ejchel " - 2007 - "Contributions in Science - Edições 505-512/Flavia Ejchel" - 2008 - "Lowering Suicide Risk in Returning Troops: Wounds of War/T. F. Ejchel" - 2008 - "Trypanosomes: After the Genome/T. F. Ejchel" - 2015 - "Book of Aron/M.Ejchel".
Conclusion: As can be seen, the initial period of the 18th century to the 19th century was markedly based on Jewish literature and manifested in German and Polish language, due to the regions where the family lived for several generations.
In the previous decades before WWII is noted the immigration of family members to the United States, certainly by the situation in Europe in general and the strong anti-Semitic sentiment.
In this period (1930 - 1940) there is a prominence of journalistic texts in English, in particular arising for the fruitful works of Leslie Ejchel as a staff journalist, whose diverse materials published from the Central Press in New York were republished in several regional newspapers throughout the United States.
During the WWII, Mietek Ejchel (a partisan) wrote between 1939-1945 a dairy in regard of his "survival" in Warsaw which is considered a key work in Holocaust literature.
After this period a significant branch of the family emigrated to Israel and Brazil.
The following generations obtained higher graduation degree and continued publishing scientific articles in their respective knowledge areas. There are noticeable works in the area of engineering, urban planning, zoology, pharmacology, taxation, between others.
The spirit of this post is just to demonstrate that the art of reading and writing is the most important legacy for the new generations to come, hoping that they follow with this gift ahead.
Bibliographic References:
2003 - "Chagas Disease - Parte 1/Tatiana F. Ejchel" - 2006 - "Kasinsky: um gênio movido a paixão/Samuel Ejchel (2)" - 2006 - O Que Todo Médico Deve Saber Sobre Impostos/Fabio Ejchel " - 2007 - "Contributions in Science - Edições 505-512/Flavia Ejchel" - 2008 - "Lowering Suicide Risk in Returning Troops: Wounds of War/T. F. Ejchel" - 2008 - "Trypanosomes: After the Genome/T. F. Ejchel" - 2015 - "Book of Aron/M.Ejchel".
Conclusion: As can be seen, the initial period of the 18th century to the 19th century was markedly based on Jewish literature and manifested in German and Polish language, due to the regions where the family lived for several generations.
In the previous decades before WWII is noted the immigration of family members to the United States, certainly by the situation in Europe in general and the strong anti-Semitic sentiment.
In this period (1930 - 1940) there is a prominence of journalistic texts in English, in particular arising for the fruitful works of Leslie Ejchel as a staff journalist, whose diverse materials published from the Central Press in New York were republished in several regional newspapers throughout the United States.
During the WWII, Mietek Ejchel (a partisan) wrote between 1939-1945 a dairy in regard of his "survival" in Warsaw which is considered a key work in Holocaust literature.
After this period a significant branch of the family emigrated to Israel and Brazil.
The following generations obtained higher graduation degree and continued publishing scientific articles in their respective knowledge areas. There are noticeable works in the area of engineering, urban planning, zoology, pharmacology, taxation, between others.
The spirit of this post is just to demonstrate that the art of reading and writing is the most important legacy for the new generations to come, hoping that they follow with this gift ahead.
Bibliographic References:
- Library Pinceton University –Goertz – 6363;
- Bibliotheque Royal – Fonds Van Hellyquoe;
- Ohio State University;
- Kramer, Matthias ; Moerbeek, Adam Abrahamsz van Verlagsort: Leipzig | Erscheinungsjahr: 1768 | Verlag: Junius
Signatur: 11900108 4 L.g.sept. 25#Beibd.1 11900108 4 L.g.sept. 25#Beibd.1;
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- Fishery Bulletin Volume 6 - i de Fishery Bulletin, US Government Printing Office, 1960, 1965, 1970 - Michigan University;
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- The Library of the University of California;
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- Joanna Nalewaiko- Kulikov,Wydawn.
- Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1986;
- Verlag des Bibliographischen
- Uniwersytet Jagielloński - Virginia University; - USP/ECA/CJE - University of Texas; - São Paulo (Brazil : State), São Paulo (Brazil) - Biblioteca Nacional de São Paulo; - Serviços Bibliográficos Livraria Portugal; - Главная » Книги » Шепард Джим » The Book of Aron » Страница 39; - - - |